25 interesting facts #33

801. Currently, 1 in 34 deaths are caused by cars and automobility (Miner et al. 2024)

802. Major marathons in the United States cause delays in emergency care (Jena et al. 2017)

803. Up to 91% of enlisted US soldiers in Hawai’i in 1944 supported using chemical weapons against Japan (Blair and Horowitz 2023)

804. There is a widespread exaggeration bias and selective reporting in ecological research (Kimmel et al. 2023)

805. Ant group battles are consistent with simulated battles in Age of Empires II (Lymbery et al. 2023)

806. People who speak a language in which the same word is used for financial debt and moral guilt have a lower likelihood of borrowing money (Bogatzki et al. 2024)

807. U.S. bombing in the Vietnam War represents roughly 100 times the combined impact of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs (Miguel and Roland 2011)

808. Cannabis was used in Milano, Italy, in the 1600’s (Giordano et al. 2023)

809. A USD 1 increase in Bitcoin price leads to USD 3–7 in external damages from carbon emissions alone (Papp et al. 2023)

810. Better-looking individuals are more likely to own stocks and invest a larger share of wealth in stocks (Gan et al. 2023)

811. People systematically misremember their past policy preferences regarding how to best fight the Covid-19 pandemic (Herz et al. 2024)

812. Chinstrap penguins can nod off more than 10,000 times per day, for only around 4 seconds at a time, accumulating close to 11 hours of sleep (Libourel et al. 2023)

813. In the U.S., “pollsters” are viewed more negatively than “survey researchers” and “public opinion researchers” (Johnson et al. 2023)

814. Professional sports stadiums remain poor public investments (Bradbury et al. 2023)

815. Politicians are more likely to dismiss appeals from voters in their areas of expertise (Pereira and Öhberg 2023)

816. The reporting of the margins of error in opinion polls can influence citizens’ voting intentions (Krause and Gahn 2023)

817. The Roam-Like-At-Home regulation for residents of the European Economic Area increased consumer surplus by around €2.5 per user and travel day (Quinn et al. 2023)

818. The sale of alcoholic drinks increase the likelihood of antisocial behavior among football fans (Geisy da Silva Dantas et al. 2024)

819. Nineteenth-century Danish American communities helped spread knowledge on modern dairying to rural America (Boberg-Fazlić and Sharp 2024)

820. Sex differences in sexual behavior, partner preferences, and math are smaller in countries with higher living condition (Herlitz et al. 2024)

821. Better written papers in economics are evaluated as being of higher quality (Feld et al. 2024)

822. Since 1985, the Greenland Ice Sheet has lost 5,000 km2 of area (Greene et al. 2024)

823. Biased opinion polls distort voters’ expectations about vote shares (Boukouras et al. 2023)

824. Collective common sense is rare (Whiting and Watts 2024)

825. A one-hour increase in weekly sleep is associated with a 3.4% increase in weekly earnings (Costa-Font et al. 2024)

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