851. Women who compete in the Final Jeopardy segment of the game show Jeopardy! are no more risk averse than men (Leeds and Leeds 2024)
852. Dogs and their owners resemble each other in the way they look and in their personality traits (Bender et al. 2025)
853. Wearing a helmet while cycling is beneficial, regardless of age, crash severity, or crash type (Büth et al. 2023)
854. People interpret a 90% consensus in favor of option A as the average liking of option A being considerably higher than the average liking of option B (Overton et al. 2024)
855. Neurotic individuals experience more variability in negative emotion in everyday life (Mader et al. 2023)
856. 704 traumatic brain injuries occur in the Asterix illustrated comic books (Kamp et al. 2011)
857. Consumers who prefer quantity over quality spend more money (Dias et al. 2024)
858. In management research, the ratio of supported to unsupported hypotheses more than doubled from dissertation to journal article (O’Boyle, Jr. et al. 2017)
859. Studies in the journal Science are less likely to use words related to uncertainty than in the past (Yao et al. 2023)
860. The works of William Shakespeare could not be reproduced by a monkey randomly pressing keys on a typewriter before the heat death of the universe (Woodcock and Falletta 2024)
861. The Marshmallow Test does not reliably predict adult functioning (Sperber et al. 2024)
862. Paper with a thickness of 65 micrometers is most likely to cause paper cuts (Arnbjerg-Nielsen et al. 2024)
863. People value uncertain outcomes less than certain ones, even when the outcomes are the same (Paolacci and André 2024)
864. Women give higher online ratings than men (Bayerl et al. 2024)
865. Pigeons are better than humans in the Monty Hall Dilemma because they constantly switch doors (Herbranson 2012)
866. Round numbers make it easier for people to remember precise values (Nguyen et al. 2022)
867. Managers with strong people skills reduce employee turnover (Hoffman and Tadelis 2021)
868. Increasing road capacity does not improve average travel speed in cities (Anupriya et al. 2023)
869. In the period from 2000 to 2020, an increase in Fox News viewership increased Republican vote shares (Ash et al. 2024)
870. In New York City, restaurants that received a Michelin star were more likely to close in subsequent years (Sands 2024)
871. There is no correlation between testosterone and sexual desire (Catena et al. 2024)
872. Items on longer lists make people like the items more (Xie et al. 2024)
873. In psychology journals, approximately one in every 10 citations mischaracterizes prior research (Cobb et al. 2024)
874. There is no evidence that time spent on social media is correlated with adolescent mental health problems (Ferguson et al. 2024)
875. Theme park rides are Giffen goods (Heutel 2024)
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