Potpourri: Statistics #97

1862. Data Vis Dispatch: June 6, June 13, June 20, June 27
1863. Learning Julia with #TidyTuesday and Tidier.jl
1864. Introduction to Data Visualization for the Web
1865. How to make fancy road trip maps with R and OpenStreetMap
1866. Simulating confounders, colliders and mediators
1867. Static and Dynamic Web Scraping with R
1868. Using R + VSCode
1869. Teaching Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing with gganimate
1870. Building a Dataviz Design System for a Medical Research Project
1871. rang: Reconstructing reproducible R computational environments
1872. Quarto at Work: Streamline Reports and Share Insights
1873. Deploy your models on Amazon SageMaker with vetiver
1874. Why did Marketing Science at Meta develop marsci, an internal R library?
1875. Spatial Statistics for Data Science: Theory and Practice with R
1876. Bayesian structural equation model tutorial
1877. Mastering the Power of R’s diff() Function: A Programmer’s Guide
1878. Easy database access with a custom R6 package
1879. morestopwords: All Stop Words in One Place
1880. Power: Power Is for You, Not for Reviewer Two, What Do Confidence Intervals from Well-Powered Studies Look Like?, The Rule of 3.64 for Statistical Power
1881. Pulling a formula from a recipe object
1882. Row relational operations with slice()
1883. Large Language Models: A Complete Guide
1884. What are Large Language Models? What are they not?
1885. GPT-2 from scratch with torch
1886. Setting up Github Copilot and VSCode
1887. The React Graph Gallery
1888. Student’s t-test explained with R and Pokemon
1889. Order Constraints in Bayes Models (with brms)
1890. How Can Someone Else Use My Model?
1891. Mastering Data Aggregation with xtabs() in R
1892. What Makes Raincloud Plots Tick?
1893. Artifact corrections for effect sizes: equations, code, and interactive app
1894. Understanding missing data mechanisms using causal DAGs

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