Potpourri: Statistics #84

1259. Introduktion til R
1260. Improving Your Statistical Inferences
1261. Dataviz Inspiration
1262. A guide to modeling outcomes that have lots of zeros with Bayesian hurdle lognormal and hurdle Gaussian regression models
1263. The Effects of Regularization and Data Augmentation are Class Dependent
1264. latentcor: An R Package for estimating latent correlations from mixed data types
1265. The biggest misconception in data visualization
1266. 6 Lessons that I learned from teaching R to non-programmers
1267. Reordering Bar and Column Charts with ggplot2 in R
1268. Best Practices for Visualizing Your Cluster Results
1269. The Importance of Data Splitting
1270. #30DayChartChallenge – Theme Day: Financial Times
1271. Indexing Iterations with set_names()
1272. Normative rating dataset of single-word humor
1273. A *simple* introduction to ggplot2 (for plotting your data!)
1274. Analyze your Twitter timeline with {rtweet} and {lubridate}
1275. Democratizing access to large-scale language models with OPT-175B
1276. Financial Times Visual Vocabulary
1277. Awesome Standard ML
1278. Do you know where your survey data come from?
1279. Regex for beginners – detect!
1280. Learning DAGs with Continuous Optimization
1281. Open-source tutorials benefit the field
1282. Explaining base rate neglect
1283. The basics of prototyping and exporting your plots in R
1284. The Three Mental Models Model for Data Visualization
1285. Prisma’s Data Guide
1286. Three packages that port the tidyverse to Python
1287. An online interface for associating latitude/longitude coordinates with administrative units
1288. RMarkdown: reproducible reporting
1289. #30DayChartChallenge 2022, USGS edition
1290. RStudio Community Table Gallery
1291. Algorithms for Decision Making
1292. MLDataR – Real-world Datasets for Machine Learning Applications
1293. Bayesian analyses made easy: GLMMs in R package brms
1294. Reflections on ML models of first impressions
1295. Introduction to Causal Inference
1296. Building R packages
1297. What I’ve learnt about making an R package
1298. R package primer: a minimal tutorial
1299. Comprehensive, original, insightful, and otherwise interesting data science blogs
1300. Are R loops really that slow?
1301. Storytelling in ggplot using rounded rectangles
1302. Not so standard evaluations
1303. A bare minimum for open empirical data
1304. A Stata command for bi-variate maps
1305. 2021 Local Elections Handbook and dataset
1306. Getting started with NLP for absolute beginners
1307. Word2Vec Explained
1308. Regular expressions in R

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