Potpourri: Statistics #67

726. Computational Causal Inference at Netflix
727. Tools for Ex-post Survey Data Harmonization
728. How to pick more beautiful colors for your data visualizations
729. Shiny in Production: App and Database Syncing
730. Introduction to Causal Inference
731. An Illustration of Decision Trees and Random Forests with an Application to the 2016 Trump Vote
732. Key things to know about election polling in the United States
733. State-of-the-art NLP models from R
734. Introduction to Stan in R
735. How to write your own R package and publish it on CRAN
736. Bayesian Analysis for A/B Testing
737. Estimating House Effects
738. Heatmaps in ggplot2
739. The Taboo Against Explicit Causal Inference in Nonexperimental Psychology
740. Spreadsheet workflows in R
741. A beginner’s guide to Shiny modules
742. Dataviz Interview
743. 10 Things to Know About Survey Experiments
744. Applying Weights
745. Creating effective interrupted time series graphs: Review and recommendations
746. Lasso and the Methods of Causality
747. How We Designed The Look Of Our 2020 Forecast
748. Taking Control of Plot Scaling
749. How to measure spatial diversity and segregation?
750. 10+ Guidelines for Better Tables in R
751. How maps in the media make us more negative about migrants
752. Comparing two proportions in the same survey
753. Quantitative Social Science Methods, I (Gov2001 at Harvard University)
754. Introduction to Computational Thinking
755. Creating R Packages with devtools
756. Introduction to Statistical Learning in R
757. Textrecipes series: Pretrained Word Embedding