Potpourri: Statistics #78

1016. Investigation of Data Irregularities in Doing Business 2018 and Doing Business 2020
1017. Dyadic Clustering in International Relations
1018. Forecasting: Principles and Practice
1019. Data Disasters
1020. A Quick How-to on Labelling Bar Graphs in ggplot2
1021. Data visualisation using R, for researchers who don’t use R
1022. Easy access to high-resolution daily climate data for Europe
1023. Put R Models in Production
1024. Machine learning, explained
1025. Three ways to visualize binary survey data
1026. In defense of simple charts
1027. Modern Statistics with R
1028. How to avoid machine learning pitfalls: a guide for academic researchers
1029. Tune xgboost models with early stopping to predict shelter animal status
1030. Machine-learning on dirty data in Python: a tutorial
1031. I saw your RCT and I have some worries! FAQs
1032. Up and running with officedown
1033. Use racing methods to tune xgboost models and predict home runs
1034. The 5-minute learn: Create pretty and geographically accurate transport maps in R
1035. R’s Internal Data Formats: .Rda, .RData, .rds
1036. Improve Your Code – Best Practices for Durable Code
1037. An educator’s perspective of the tidyverse
1038. Estimating regression coefficients using a Neural Network (from scratch)
1039. Let users choose which plot you want to show
1040. A look into ANOVA. The long way.
1041. 3 alternatives to a discrete color scale legend in ggplot2
1042. Downloading the Census Household Pulse Survey in R
1043. The Stata Guide
1044. The Four Pipes of magrittr
1045. Introducing {facetious} – alternate facets for ggplot2
1046. Alternatives to Simple Color Legends in ggplot2
1047. Top 3 Coding Best Practices from the Shiny Contest
1048. Visualizing ordinal variables
1049. Making Shiny apps mobile friendly
1050. Climate circles
1051. Elegant and informative maps with tmap
1052. Exploring R² and regression variance with Euler/Venn diagrams
1053. Exploring Pamela Jakiela’s simple TWFE diagnostics with R
1054. The marginaleffects package for R
1055. A lightweight data validation ecosystem with R, GitHub, and Slack
1056. Create spatial square/hexagon grids and count points inside in R with sf
1057. A daily updated JSON dataset of all the Open House London venues, events, and metadata
1058. Animating Network Evolutions with gganimate
1059. Beyond Bar and Box Plots
1060. Causal Inference in R Workshop
1061. Odds != Probability
1062. How to visualize polls and results of the German election with Datawrapper
1063. Irreproducibility in Machine Learning
1064. tidybundestag
1065. A collection of themes for RStudio
1066. Shiny, Tableau, and PowerBI: Better Business Intelligence
1067. Automate PowerPoint Production Using R
1068. Estimating graph dimension with cross-validated eigenvalues
1069. Understanding text size and resolution in ggplot2
1070. Introduction to linear mixed models

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