Potpourri: Statistics #48

401. Mapping Sinclair Broadcast’s reach
402. Layered Presentation of Graphics with +aes() in ggplot2
403. ggcoefstats
404. The Basics of Bayesian Inference
405. An Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling
406. Uncluttered Stata Graphs
407. tidybayes: Bayesian analysis + tidy data + geoms
408. When interaction is not interaction: confounding and measurement error
409. DataViz Cheatsheet
410. Adding Parties’ Government/Opposition Status to the Manifesto Project Dataset using ParlGov Data
411. Guidelines For Ab Testing
412. Exploring ggplot2 boxplots – Defining limits and adjusting style
413. Geocomputation with R
414. Election reporting: Which color for which party?
415. Election results in pink & blue