Potpourri: Statistics #45

364. Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning: Exploring Brexit with PLS and PCA
365. Sentiment Analysis of 5 popular romantic comedies
366. How to justify your alpha: step by step
367. Comprehensive list of color palettes available in R
368. Visualizing Outliers
369. Generating codebooks in R
370. Introducing geofacet
371. Causal Inference: The Mixtape
372. Prime Hints For Running A Data Project In R
373. Introducing Raincloud Plots!
374. What to consider when creating choropleth maps
375. Statistical vignette of the day as a teaching tool
376. Recreate – Sankey flow chart
377. Data: Sharing Is Caring
378. ggplot2: How Geoms & Aesthetics ≈ Whipped Cream
379. Animated population pyramids in R