Potpourri: Statistics #56

526. Hands-on Machine Learning with R
527. The Truth About Linear Regression
528. Data Viz Book Reviews
529. Make Multi-point “dumbbell” Plots in ggplot2
530. Storyline
531. City Intelligence Data Design Guidelines
532. shinyApp(), runApp(), shinyAppDir(), and a fourth option
533. Reordering and facetting for ggplot2
534. R Docker tutorial
535. S4: a short guide for the perplexed
536. Introducing trendyy
537. R you ready to make charts?
538. Ten more random useful things in R you may not know about
539. Testing statistical software
540. Tidy Data Science Workshop
541. Using tidyverse tools with Pew Research Center survey data in R
542. A Gentle Introduction to tidymodels
543. Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
544. Practical Data Science: an introduction to the PeerJ collection