Potpourri: Statistics #83

1213. A detailed guide to colors in data vis style guides
1214. parlscot: An R package to download Scottish Parliamentary data
1215. France 2022: How to predict an election
1216. peacesciencer: Tools and Data for Quantitative Peace Science
1217. Left-Right Placements of GB Westminster Constituencies in 2021
1218. Effects of Causes and Causes of Effects
1219. A Critical Perspective on Effect Sizes
1220. Codebook Package Comparison
1221. Micronumerosity
1222. A Journey to gghdr
1223. Sports Data Analysis and Visualization
1224. Creating APIs for Data Science With plumber
1225. RMarkdown is great
1226. Do cluster robust standard errors give false positives on cross-level interactions?
1227. Neural Networks and Deep Learning
1228. Web scraping in R
1229. How to Correctly Use Lists in R?
1230. Linear Regression
1231. Groundhog 2.0: Further addressing the threat R poses to reproducible research
1232. Violent Incident Information from News Articles
1233. Predicting Goals Using the Winning Odds
1234. Uncommon advice on becoming a data scientist in the public interest
1235. The cursed Morgan Stanley Covid-19 visualization
1236. Stop aggregating away the signal in your data
1237. loopurrr: Translate purrr functions into regular for loops
1238. PRISMA2020: An R package and Shiny app for producing PRISMA 2020-compliant flow diagrams, with interactivity for optimised digital transparency and Open Synthesis
1239. Wikidata for data journalism
1240. Frustration: One Year With R
1241. Teaching R in a Kinder, Gentler, More Effective Manner: Use Base-R, Not the Tidyverse
1242. Handbook of Regression Modeling in People Analytics
1243. Using Amazon S3 with R
1244. Deep Learning Is Hitting a Wall
1245. R Without Statistics
1246. subs2vec: Word embeddings from subtitles in 55 languages
1247. Statistical Tools for Causal Inference
1248. A Dataset Documenting Representations of Machine Vision Technologies in Artworks, Games and Narratives
1249. R Packages for Analyzing Spatial Data: A Comparative Case Study with Areal Data
1250. A couple of visualizations from ggforce
1251. What does it mean to have a low R-squared ? A warning about misleading interpretation
1252. highcharter a11y talk
1253. Self-documenting plots in ggplot2
1254. CAST: Caret Applications for Spatio-Temporal models
1255. Checking the inputs of your R functions
1256. Challenges in Package Management
1257. Leading Data Science Teams
1258. Coding style, coding etiquette

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