Potpourri: Statistics #99

1940. Data Vis Dispatch: August 1, August 8, August 15, August 22, August 29
1941. Explainable AI: Visualizing Attention in Transformers
1942. Linear Programming in Python
1943. It Takes Long to Become Gaussian
1944. Cookbook Polars for R
1945. Package development lifecycle process: What does superseded mean? / What does deprecated mean?
1946. Difference-in-differences, Average Treatment Effects and the Importance of Mechanisms: Part 1, Part 2
1947. How I Set Up RStudio for Efficient Coding
1948. Catching up on the weird world of LLMs
1949. Introduction to Educational and Psychological Measurement Using R
1950. Reducing clutter with an options object
1951. Introducing Shannon Regression: An Information Theoretic Alternative to Logistic and Probit Regression for Binary Outcomes
1952. It’s the interactions
1953. Using flexdashboard to create a GitHub Actions-powered YouTube feed
1954. R Functions for Getting Objects
1955. Building Serverless Shiny Apps with webR: A Step-by-Step Guide
1956. Boost Model Performance with Hyperparameter Tuning in R | Tidymodels
1957. Neyman causal model or Rubin causal model?
1958. Teaching the tidyverse in 2023
1959. How to improve the substantive interpretation of regression results when the dependent variable is logged
1960. Dot-dot-dot, bang-bang-bang, and do.call()
1961. The ultimate practical guide to multilevel multinomial conjoint analysis with R
1962. Mixed Models with R
1963. How to Create Your Own Table Theme with the gt Package
1964. How to use UNHCR’s refugees R package
1965. Manually generate predicted values for logistic regression with matrix multiplication in R
1966. Top 10 errors in R and how to fix them
1967. Ordinal Models for Paired Data
1968. Equivalence Tests Using {marginaleffects}
1969. Announcing Python in Excel: Combining the power of Python and the flexibility of Excel
1970. A collection of stand-alone Python machine learning recipes
1971. How to use LLMs for Text Analysis
1972. Wizard’s Guide to Statistics
1973. Exploring Causal Discovery with gCastle through Reticulate in R
1974. Recreate a real-world, complex dataviz with R & ggplot
1975. How to design a useful (and fun!) color key for your data visualization
1976. Yet Again: R + Data Science
1977. Is probability frequentist or Bayesian?

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