Potpourri: Statistics #90

1550. Dashboard Design Patterns
1551. Aldrich-McKelvey Scaling: An Opinionated Guide to the Method and the Literature
1552. Reviewing Tip: The 10-Minute Data Check
1553. Pre-train, Prompt, and Predict: A Systematic Survey of Prompting Methods in Natural Language Processing
1554. Data Analysis at the Command Line
1555. Charts.css: CSS data visualization framework
1556. Understanding ShinyApps
1557. Understanding the Basics of Package Writing in R
1558. Alternatives to paired bar charts
1559. A bestiary of undead statistics
1560. The Data Science Interview Book
1561. Getting started with NHS mental health data: A practical guide for analysts
1562. Valgdata 2022
1563. Reinforcement Learning Fundamentals
1564. Hypothesis testing by example
1565. CS231n: Deep Learning for Computer Vision
1566. Modeling the secular trend in a cluster randomized trial using very flexible models
1567. A Curated Collection of Data Management Resources
1568. Beautiful Public Data
1569. Delete all your tweets using rtweet
1570. Failed Machine Learning (FML)
1571. Waste datasets review: List of image datasets with any kind of litter, garbage, waste and trash
1572. Bayesian neural network papers
1573. Images and Words: AI in 2026
1574. A Selective Review of Negative Control Methods in Epidemiology
1575. From migration to railways, how bad data infiltrated British politics
1576. R for Data Analysis
1577. Creating beautiful tables in R with {gt}
1578. Building a TidyModels classification model from scratch and deploying with Vetiver
1579. Let’s Get Apply’ing
1580. Fixing broken and irregular column headers
1581. Using functional analysis to model air pollution data in R
1582. Working with coalition data (part 1)
1583. Coalition data II: trials and tibblations
1584. Raster4ML: A geospatial raster processing library for machine learning
1585. Awesome Wikidata
1586. Predict missing values
1587. A global dataset of pandemic- and epidemic-prone disease outbreaks
1588. Variations on a ggtheme: Applying a unifying aesthetic to your plots
1589. The 12-bit rainbow palette
1590. conText: An R package for estimating and doing statistical inference on context-specific word embeddings
1591. Forecasting the 2022 World Cup

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