1420. Statistical Control Requires Causal Justification
1421. Graphic Design with ggplot2: How to Create Engaging and Complex Visualizations in R
1422. ggplot2 Wizardry: My Favorite Tricks and Secrets for Beautiful Plots in R
1423. Deep Learning of Potential Outcomes
1424. Six tips for better spreadsheets
1425. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) from Scratch
1426. US Election Risk Index
1427. How to choose an interpolation for your color scale
1428. R and the Tidyverse for working with data
1429. ggplot2: Theme System Cheatsheet
1430. Friends Don’t Let Friends Make Bad Graphs
1431. Large P-Values Cannot be Explained by Power Analysis
1432. Gov 2003: Causal Inference with Applications
1433. Using across() to create multiple columns
1434. Pyramid Plots in ggplot2
1435. Pretty ggplots with custom themes, ggtext, and ggh4x
1436. 5 things journalists need to know about statistical significance
1437. The ultimate beginner’s guide to generalized linear models (GLMs)
1438. Testing dbplyr packages
1439. Generalized Additive Models
1440. Hillshade effects
1441. Coloring your ggplot2 art like a pro
1442. STAT 286/GOV 2003: Causal Inference with Applications
1443. Causal Inference in R Workshop
1444. Building Production-Quality Shiny Applications
1445. Machine learning with tidymodels
1446. What They Forgot to Teach You About R
1447. Reflexivity in Quantitative Research: a Rationale and Beginner’s Guide
1448. Awesome Quarto: A curated list of Quarto talks, tools, examples & articles
1449. Why do tree-based models still outperform deep learning on tabular data?
1450. Industry Perspective: Tree-Based Models vs Deep Learning for Tabular Data
1451. Collection of various algorithms implemented in R
1452. Stata-schemes
1453. Pretty Maps in Python
1454. A primer on word embeddings: What’s Behind Word2vec, Words into Vectors, Statistical Learning Theory, The Word2vec Classifier, The Word2vec Hyperparameters, Characteristics of Word Embeddings
1455. Building tidy tools
1456. Using dplyr’s group_by function with and without summarize (CC233)
1457. Introduction to Probability for Data Science
1458. Effective Maps, Easily Done: Visualizing Geo-Psychological Differences Using Distance Weights
1459. The Past and Future of Shiny
1460. A Very Short List of Common Pitfalls in Research Design, Data Analysis, and Reporting
1461. How to make a great R reproducible example
1462. Bayesian Statistics: Independent readings course on Bayesian statistics
1463. Base-R Is Alive and Well
1464. Excel Esports: ALL-STAR BATTLE
1465. Text As Data: A course on analyzing political texts using the R programming language
1466. Coffee Quality Institute Database
1467. ggdensity: Improved density visualization in R
1468. Detecting Influential Points in Regression with DFBETA(S)
1469. Logistic Regression
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