Potpourri: Statistics #81

1138. The list of 2021 visualization lists
1139. ML and NLP Research Highlights of 2021
1140. Regression and Other Stories
1141. Causal Inference for The Brave and True
1142. Quantifying causality in data science with quasi-experiments
1143. An Introduction to Linear Mixed-Effects Modeling in R
1144. The Science of Visual Data Communication: What Works
1145. Database of slaveholding members of Congress
1146. Null-hacking, a lurking problem
1147. Choosing the Estimand When Matching or Weighting in Observational Studies
1148. dyadicdist: Get dyadic distances in R
1149. A guide to modeling proportions with Bayesian beta and zero-inflated beta regression models
1150. A guide to correctly calculating posterior predictions and average marginal effects with multilievel Bayesian models
1151. A guide to working with country-year panel data and Bayesian multilevel models
1152. How to use Bayesian propensity scores and inverse probability weights
1153. My Machine Learning Process (Mistakes Included)
1154. Data quality of platforms and panels for online behavioral research
1155. Do No Harm Guide: Applying Equity Awareness in Data Visualization
1156. STAT 447: Data Science Programming Methods
1157. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Responsible Machine Learning
1158. Report Ready PDF tables with rmarkdown, knitr, kableExtra, and LaTeX
1159. Understanding the native R pipe |>
1160. Rich Iannone || Making Beautiful Tables with {gt}
1161. R Markdown Lesser-Known Tips & Tricks #2: Cleaning Up Your Code
1162. Recreating the New York Times COVID-19 Spiral Graph
1163. Circular Visualization in R
1164. It’s time for a more sophisticated color contrast check for data visualizations
1165. Fast geospatial tasks with data.table, geos & co.
1166. R Function A Day
1167. Psychology 6135: Psychology of Data Visualization
1168. Using databases with Shiny
1169. Matrix Multiplication
1170. Visualize Data on Spirals
1171. Creating basic psychometric summaries in R

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