Potpourri: Statistics #76

942. Introduction to Deep Learning — 170 Video Lectures from Adaptive Linear Neurons to Zero-shot Classification with Transformers
943. The Identification Zoo: Meanings of Identification in Econometrics
944. Why you sometimes need to break the rules in data viz
945. A Concrete Introduction to Probability (using Python)
946. R packages that make ggplot2 more beautiful (Vol. I)
947. R packages that make ggplot2 more powerful (Vol. II)
948. Etimating multilevel models for change in R
949. Static and dynamic network visualization with R
950. Open Source RStudio/Shiny on AWS Fargate
951. Functional PCA with R
952. When Graphs Are a Matter of Life and Death
953. Python Projects with Source Code
954. The Stata workflow guide
955. 15 Tips to Customize lines in ggplot2 with element_line()
956. 7 Tips to customize rectangle elements in ggplot2 element_rect()
957. 8 tips to use element_blank() in ggplot2 theme
958. Introduction to Machine Learning Interviews Book
959. Introduction to Python for Social Science
960. 21 Must-Read Data Visualization Books, According to Experts
961. Introduction to Modern Statistics
962. The Difference Between Random Factors and Random Effects
963. Creating a figure of map layers in R
964. Reasons to Use Tidymodels
965. Professional, Polished, Presentable: Making great slides with xaringan
966. Polished summary tables in R with gtsummary
967. Top 10 Ideas in Statistics That Have Powered the AI Revolution
968. The New Native Pipe Operator in R
969. RMarkdown Tips and Tricks
970. Iterative visualizations with ggplot2: no more copy-pasting
971. Scaling Models in Poltical Science
972. Setting up and debugging custom fonts
973. A Pirate’s Favorite Programming Language
974. Tired: PCA + kmeans, Wired: UMAP + GMM
975. Three simple ideas for better election poll graphics
976. Exploratory Functional PCA with Sparse Data
977. Efficient simulations in R
978. The Beginner’s Guide to the Modern Data Stack
979. How to become a better R code detective?
980. A short introduction to grammar of graphics (via ggplot2)
981. Workflows for querying databases via R
982. A Handbook for Teaching and Learning with R and RStudio
983. Writing reproducible manuscripts in R
984. ggpairs in R- A Brief Introduction to ggpairs

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