819. SDS 375/395 Data Visualization in R
820. Demystifying the coalesce function
821. Data Viz Bookmarks
822. Data Science: A First Introduction
823. Crime by the Numbers
824. The value of p
825. The Tidyverse in a Table
826. Sample Size Justification
827. Learn tidytext with my new learnr course
828. Using random effects in GAMs with mgcv
829. Public Policy Analytics: Code & Context for Data Science in Government
830. How to run 100 regressions without loops in R
831. Spreadsheet mistakes – news stories
832. Weights in statistics
833. Importing Multiple Files Quickly and Efficiently
834. Making Sense of Sensitivity: Extending Omitted Variable Bias
835. Microsoft365R: an R interface to the Microsoft 365 suite
836. fixest: Fast Fixed-Effects Estimations
837. Grab World Bank Data in R with {WDI}
838. Lists are my secret weapon for reporting stats with knitr
839. Building a team of internal R packages
840. Tidyverse Skills for Data Science in R
841. Practical Applications in R for Psychologists
842. Transform List into Dataframe with tidyr and purrr
843. Main terms and concepts in R
844. A complete guide to scales
845. Computational Thinking for Social Scientists
846. A Crash Course in Good and Bad Controls
847. Causal design patterns for data analysts
848. Modern Data Science with R
849. Generating SQL with {dbplyr} and sqlfluff
850. Hypothesis test by hand
851. How to Use Git/GitHub with R
852. Testing for normality
853. Scrape Hundreds of PDF Documents From the Web with R and rvest
854. Radial Patterns in ggplot2
855. a gRadual intRoduction to Shiny
856. Reading tables from images with magick
857. ggplot Wizardry Hands-On
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