Potpourri: Statistics #98

1895. Data Vis Dispatch: July 4, July 11, July 18, July 25
1896. Using a Data Dictionary to Recode Columns with dplyr
1897. The ave() Function in R
1898. Lessons Learned From Running R in Production
1899. Unit Testing Analytics Code
1900. A Gentle Introduction to Docker
1901. Road trip analysis! How to use and play with Google Location History in R
1902. Quantile Loss & Quantile Regression
1903. ML system design: 200 case studies to learn from
1904. What tokens are used more vs. less in #TidyTuesday place names?
1905. Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in Python
1906. Fumbling my way through an XY problem
1907. From forecast to fable, design decisions for statistical software
1908. Ordering constraints in brms using contrast coding
1909. Tree models for assessing covariate-dependent method agreement
1910. Testing functional specification in linear regression
1911. CheatSheet for coding in R, Python and Julia
1912. Computing the eigendecomposition and the singular value decomposition
1913. Demystifying Text Data with the unstructured Python Library (+alternatives)
1914. Common methodological mistakes
1915. Tips for debugging and cleaning broken code
1916. Classification metrics for #TidyTuesday GPT detectors
1917. Practical Python Programming
1918. Advanced Python Mastery
1919. Tidy design principles
1920. Making charts that make an impact
1921. Why do people use R?
1922. Astronomia ex machina: a history, primer and outlook on neural networks in astronomy
1923. Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet
1924. Emphasize what you want readers to see with color
1925. The ultimate practical guide to conjoint analysis with R
1926. Supervised Topic Modeling for Short Texts: My Workflow and A Worked Example
1927. Jazz up your ggplots!
1928. Four reasons to learn HTML + CSS as an R programmer
1929. Beyond Item Response Theory: Growth Curve Modeling of Latent Variables with Bayes
1930. Large language models, explained with a minimum of math and jargon
1931. What is “production” anyway? MLOps for the curious
1932. How to fill maps with density gradients with R, {ggplot2}, and {sf}
1933. About Tidy Design Principles
1934. Predicting a Successful Mt Everest Climb
1935. Stat Arb – An Easy Walkthrough
1936. Best Practices for Data Visualisation
1937. Reducing my for loop usage with purrr::reduce()
1938. Adding social media icons to charts with {ggplot2}
1939. Annotated equations in ggplot2: Importing latex into ggplot2

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