Potpourri: Statistics #49

416. QuantText: A text-as-data page for political science research
417. pollofpolls: R package for calculating poll of polls
418. Best of the visualisation web… June 2018
419. Custom themes in ggplot2
420. DeclareDesign: Declaring and Diagnosing Research Designs
421. A personal essay on Bayes factors
422. Readings on Visualizing Uncertainty
423. p-hacker: Train your p-hacking skills!
424. Data Wrangling Part 1: Basic to Advanced Ways to Select Columns
425. Data Wrangling Part 2: Transforming your columns into the right shape
426. Data Wrangling Part 3: Basic and more advanced ways to filter rows
427. Data Wrangling Part 4: Summarizing and slicing your data
428. Label line ends in time series with ggplot2
429. How good is “good”?
430. The hacker’s guide to uncertainty estimates