301. Alcohol intake does not influence creative thinking performance (Benedek and Zöhrer 2020)
302. Ecological and environmental pressures led to a decline in dinosaur biodiversity well before the asteroid impact (Condamine et al. 2021)
303. Football players with high public status perform worse in penalty shootouts (Jordet 2009a 2009b)
304. Campaigns influence election outcomes less than you think (Nickerson and Rogers 2020)
305. Professional golf players are risk averse (Elmore and Urbaczewski 2020)
306. Female researchers are more likely to discover female-focused ideas (Koning et al. 2021)
307. Individuals more vulnerable to negative consequences of automation tend to display more support for the radical right (Anelli et al. 2021)
308. Bright illusions reduce the eye’s pupil (Laeng and Endestad 2012)
309. Street names are more gender-biased against women in Paris than London (Bancilhon et al. 2021)
310. Approximately 9 million types of plants, animals, protists and fungi inhabit the Earth (Cardinale et al. 2012)
311. Poker only contains as much skill as chess when 75% of the chess results are replaced by a coin flip (Duersch et al. 2020)
312. Urbanisation produces technological change and productivity growth (Brunt and García-Peñalosa 2021)
313. Humans and great apes prefer curved over sharp-angled contours (Gómez-Puerto et al. 2018, Munar et al. 2015)
314. India had on average 58,000 snakebite deaths annually from 2000 to 2019 (Suraweera et al. 2020)
315. For healthy consumers, replacing gluten-containing products with gluten-free foods is more expensive and do not provide additional health benefits from a nutritional perspective (Missbach et al. 2015)
316. People judge slower responses as less sincere (Ziano and Wang 2021)
317. The total number of Tyrannosaurus rex that ever lived was ~2.5 billion individuals (Marshall et al. 2021)
318. Early multidisciplinary practice, not early specialization, predicts world-class performance (Güllich et al. 2021)
319. Bottlenose dolphins exhibit decades-long social memory (Bruck 2013)
320. Surveys underestimate climate change skepticism (Beiser-McGrath and Bernauer 2021)
321. Girls have worse average mental health than boys (Campbell et al. 2021)
322. Reviewers spent more than 100 million hours in 2020, equivalent to over 15 thousand years, working on academic peer reviews (Aczel et al. 2021)
323. Subscription-based content creators on Patreon gain more subscribers when they remove their earnings (Crosby and McKenzie 2021)
324. Changing the lunch-default to a vegetarian option is an effective way to promote sustainable food choices at conferences (Hansen et al. 2021)
325. Since 2010, agriculture, logging and wildfire have caused emissions of at least 4.0 Gt of irrecoverable carbon (Noon et al. 2021)