201. Rats can learn the complex task of navigating a car to a desired goal area (Crawford et al. 2020)
202. 90% of academics in the UK have been working while sick at least sometimes (Kinman and Wray 2021)
203. Back-to-front airline boarding in response to the COVID-19 pandemic roughly doubles the infection exposure compared with random boarding (Islam et al. 2021)
204. Consuming food from a shared plate promotes cooperation (Woolley and Fishbach 2019)
205. In the US, press releases opposing action to address climate change are more likely to be cited in national newspapers (Wetts 2020)
206. It is better to rely on mass media or advertising than influencers to get out your message (Rossman and Fisher 2021)
207. Trends in immigration news are largely unaffected by real-life developments (Jacobs et al. 2018)
208. Mutual fund managers from poor families outperform managers from rich families, because the latter are likely to be promoted for reasons unrelated to performance (Chuprinin and Sosyura 2018)
209. Citizens want the ideal-type politician to be more disagreeable than the average citizen (Aichholzer and Willmann 2020)
210. Cuttlefish can tolerate delays to obtain food of higher quality (Schnell et al. 2021)
211. Having children does not increase environmental concerns (Milfont et al. 2020)
212. The correlation between peer-review scores of grant proposals assigned by different reviewers is only 0.2 (Jerrim and de Vries 2020)
213. One-third of Amazon rainfall originates within its own basin (Staal et al. 2018)
214. Fewer young adults have casual sex, partially because of an increase in computer gaming and declines in drinking frequency (South and Lei 2021)
215. Food systems are responsible for a third of global anthropogenic GHG emissions (Crippa et al. 2021)
216. Cognitive complexity increases climate change belief (Chen and Unsworth 2019)
217. During the COVID-19 pandemic, new cycling infrastructure created cyclists (Kraus and Koch 2021)
218. Access to daylight and views in office buildings lead to improved productivity (MacNaughton et al. 2021)
219. Day-to-day temperature variability reduces economic growth (Kotz et al. 2021)
220. Cyclists have 84% lower CO2 emissions from all daily travel than non-cyclists (Brand et al. 2021).
221. People judge slowly generated predictions from algorithms as less accurate (Efendić et al. 2020)
222. Social norms moderate associations between personality traits and social distancing behaviors in a pandemic (Ludeke et al. 2021)
223. A CO2 emission into the atmosphere is more effective at raising atmospheric CO2 than an equivalent CO2 removal is at lowering it (Zickfeld et al. 2021)
224. Spotify’s New Music rankings favor indie-label music and music by women (Aguiar et al. 2021)
225. Citations make statements slightly more believable (Putnam and Phelps 2017)