Assorted links #26

841. 2022 letter
842. 52 things I learned in 2022
843. Cooling a cup of coffee with help of a spoon
844. Can I compute the mass of a coin based on the sound of its fall?
845. Wonders of Street View
846. Eastory
847. When old historic maps overlap with modern political maps
848. The Changing Room Illusion
849. Picture This: The Periodic Table
850. 36 Things I Learned in 2022
851. The Serious Eats Guide to Food Photography
852. Trumpkin’s Intro To Sauna
853. How I ran the length of every street in Pittsburgh: PAC TOM
854. Ten simple rules for failing successfully in academia
855. Stop Talking to Each Other and Start Buying Things: Three Decades of Survival in the Desert of Social Media
856. Draw SVG rope using JavaScript
857. 100R: Off The Grid
858. Long Form Reads
859. Did Insurance Fire Brigades let uninsured buildings burn? / I was wrong (and so was everyone)
860. My Minimal and Efficient Digital Nomad Packing Process
861. The internet wants to be fragmented
862. Why Not Mars
863. Science isn’t storytelling
864. Chronophoto – The Photographical History Game
865. The Window Trick of Las Vegas Hotels
866. Top 20 Non-fiction Books
867. Why Hockey is The Best Sport
868. Effectively self-studying over the Internet
869. 104 Mesmerizing Mosque Ceilings That Highlight The Wonders Of Islamic Architecture
870. I Need to Find an Apartment
871. NYC Slice
872. How Tall Is Too Tall? The rise and rise and rise of the supertall skyscraper
873. Password Manager Comparison
874. Pointer Pointer
875. The Five Sorry Rules of Lateness
876. Why Time Flies
877. Don’t Make a Blog, Make a Brain Dump
878. Jay-Z’s 99 Problems, Verse 2: A Close Reading with Fourth Amendment Guidance for Cops and Perps
879. What literature do we study from the 1990s?
880. Music Production: A Beginner’s Guide
881. 1 Misconception About Each U.S. President
882. Why You Should Always Look *Down* In London: Pavement Oddities
883. ThanAverage
884. How to Write English Prose
885. Life Stats
886. Algebra Rules for Arithmetic
887. History of Web Browser Engines from 1990 until today
888. SSSVG: An Interactive SVG Reference
889. Four Thousand Weeks
890. Morse Typing Trainer
891. There’s An AI For That
892. Internet Movie Cars Database (IMCDb)
893. Famous Cases & Criminals – FBI
894. The Atlas of Moons
895. Closer to Johannes Vermeer
896. Ain’t it funny how the knight moves?
897. Interactive Cancer Risk Matrix
898. JS Paint
899. Payment Cards Deep Dive
900. The Ultimate Productivity Blog
901. The Midlife Crisis
902. Contemporary Hermits: A Developmental Psychopathology Account of Extreme Social Withdrawal (Hikikomori) in Young People
903. Search The Deck
904. The Economics Of | WSJ
905. Yale Courses (European History)

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