Assorted links #17

481. Passport Index
482. The Owen Wilson Wow API
483. Think about Equity
484. The Mathematics of 2048: Optimal Play with Markov Decision Processes
485. The Dynamics of Exploration on Spotify
486. The Psychology of Design
487. Academic career advice
488. How I learned to suck less at Chess
489. John Locke’s recipe for Pancakes
490. 9 Tricks to Experiment with your Pricing Strategy
491. The Greatest Privilege We Never Talk About: Beauty
492. From 1400 to 2000 in Blitz on – A 10½ Year Journey
493. Development of Relationship Satisfaction Across the Life Span: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
494. How did Roman Aqueducts work?
495. Why it’s so damn hard to make AI fair and unbiased
496. ESG Investing Isn’t Designed to Save the Planet
497. Get started making music
498. Dansk politik 2019-2022/23: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
499. 15 rules for blogging, and my current streak
500. How Ikea tricks you into buying more stuff
501. The 53 best cities in the world in 2022
502. The Dark Souls of Archaeology: Recording Elden Ring
503. Suez Crisis 1956 (All Parts)
504. It Took Me 10 Years to Understand Entropy, Here is What I Learned.
505. How I put my whole life into a single database
506. How I Earned $160,000 in Passive Income from Writing Non-fiction Books
507. Cool Things People Do With Their Blogs
508. Urban Dictionary Word List
509. I Cannot Begin to Tell You How Proficient I Am in Microsoft Word
510. Real peer review has never been tried
511. The Manager’s Handbook
512. Ten Simple Rules
513. How the Ideology of Low Fat Conquered America
514. Equal Time for Women: Social Notes on the Male Strip Show
515. Heidegger: Being and Time
516. A mental model for combating climate change
517. Stop Using TODO For Everything
518. Frozen Alive
519. High-Speed Flight
520. How to design better APIs

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