Which day has the most birthdays in the Netherlands? According to this post by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), it is September 30: Accordingly, at least by one metric, I fit right in here.
Category: blog
Notes on PyData Amsterdam 2024
This week I spent a few days attending PyData Amsterdam. I initially thought it would be three days (as it said on my ticket), but it turned out that I only had access for two days. In the grand scheme of things, it turned out to be good as my week was a lot more […]
Kvalitetsvægtede gennemsnit af meningsmålinger og statistisk usikkerhed #10
Hvordan skal vi forholde os til statistisk usikkerhed i kvalitetsvægtede gennemsnit af meningsmålinger? Jeg vil i dette indlæg forsøge at beskrive tre forskellige tilgange. Der vil være overlap med pointer bragt i tidligere indlæg, men mit sigte er primært at formulere, hvordan jeg over årene har rykket mig mere i retning af, at kvalitetsvægtede gennemsnit […]
Headache estimates are giving me a headache
Here is the first paragraph from the introduction in a paper on headaches: “In the general population 4% have never experienced a headache.” Of course, such a precise number caught my interest. How do we know that 4% of people have never experienced a headache? Luckily, the paper provides some insights, namely that when asked […]
A nearly twenty-year-old screenshot
The other day I was doing a bit of digital house cleaning and I found a screenshot that, for some reason, survived several years in a random folder. I took the screenshot on June 23, 2005. Here it is: A few observations: Should I take more (random) screenshots? I would like to see similar screenshots […]