This week I spent a few days attending PyData Amsterdam. I initially thought it would be three days (as it said on my ticket), but it turned out that I only had access for two days. In the grand scheme of things, it turned out to be good as my week was a lot more […]
Category: blog
Kvalitetsvægtede gennemsnit af meningsmålinger og statistisk usikkerhed #10
Hvordan skal vi forholde os til statistisk usikkerhed i kvalitetsvægtede gennemsnit af meningsmålinger? Jeg vil i dette indlæg forsøge at beskrive tre forskellige tilgange. Der vil være overlap med pointer bragt i tidligere indlæg, men mit sigte er primært at formulere, hvordan jeg over årene har rykket mig mere i retning af, at kvalitetsvægtede gennemsnit […]
Headache estimates are giving me a headache
Here is the first paragraph from the introduction in a paper on headaches: “In the general population 4% have never experienced a headache.” Of course, such a precise number caught my interest. How do we know that 4% of people have never experienced a headache? Luckily, the paper provides some insights, namely that when asked […]
A nearly twenty-year-old screenshot
The other day I was doing a bit of digital house cleaning and I found a screenshot that, for some reason, survived several years in a random folder. I took the screenshot on June 23, 2005. Here it is: A few observations: Should I take more (random) screenshots? I would like to see similar screenshots […]
25 interesting facts #34
826. The killer whale is second only to humans as the most widely distributed mammal in the world (Ford 2009) 827. An average individual’s immune system consists of approximately 1.8 trillion cells (Sender et al. 2023) 828. Over 11% of the world’s billionaires have held or sought political office (Krcmaric et al. 2024) 829. All […]