Potpourri: Statistics #66

697. How To Read 2020 Polls Like A Pro
698. Visualizing Complex Science
699. What is machine learning, and how does it work?
700. Choosing Fonts for Your Data Visualization
701. Why linear mixed-effects models are probably not the solution to your missing data problems
702. Outstanding User Interfaces with Shiny
703. How I Taught Tidymodels, Virtually
704. How your colorblind and colorweak readers see your colors
705. Graphic Content: How Visualizing Data Is a Life-or-Death Matter
706. How to Create Brand Colors for Data Visualization Style Guidelines
707. The R package workflow
708. Introducing Modeltime: Tidy Time Series Forecasting using Tidymodels
709. Tidy Geospatial Networks in R
710. PCA with Age of Empires II data
711. A practical guide to geospatial interpolation with R
712. Oh my GOSH: Calculating all possible meta-analysis study combinations
713. Rating children’s books with empirical Bayes estimation
714. Normalizing and rescaling children’s book ratings
715. Tips from an R Journalist
716. How to improve your R package
717. A very short introduction to Tidyverse
718. purrr: Introduction and Application
719. Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R
720. 4 Tips to Make Your Shiny Dashboard Faster
721. How I share knowledge around R Markdown
722. Teaching Statistics and Data Science Online
723. a ggplot2 grammar guide
724. Five Tidyverse Tricks You May Not Know About
725. How to build a Tufte-style weather graph in R using ggplot2