New article in Journal of Research in Personality: Just as WEIRD?

In the April issue of Journal of Research in Personality, we (Joseph A. Vitriol, Steven G. Ludeke and I) have an article titled Just as WEIRD? Personality traits and political attitudes among immigrant minorities. Here is the abstract:

A large body of literature has examined how personality traits relate to political attitudes and behavior. However, like many studies in personality psychology, these investigations rely on Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic (WEIRD) samples. Whether these findings generalize to minority populations remains underexplored. We address this oversight by studying if the observed correlations between personality traits and political variables using WEIRD respondents are consistent with that observed using immigrant minorities. We use the Immigrant panel (LISS-I panel) in the Netherlands with data on first- and second-generation immigrants from Western and non-Western countries. The results indicate that the association between personality and political outcomes are, with few exceptions, highly similar for immigrant minorities compared to the general population.

Here is the key figure from the article:

You can find the article online here. The replication material is available at GitHub, the Harvard Dataverse and the Open Science Framework.