Data visualization: a reading list

Here is a collection of books and peer-reviewed articles on data visualization. There is a lot of good material on the philosophy, principles and practices of data visualization.

I plan to update the list with additional material in the future (see the current version as a draft). Do reach out if you have any recommendations.


Graphs in Statistical Analysis (Anscombe 1973)
An Economist’s Guide to Visualizing Data (Schwabish 2014)
Data Visualization in Sociology (Healy and Moody 2014)
Beyond Bar and Line Graphs: Time for a New Data Presentation Paradigm (Weissgerber et al. 2015)
Graphical Perception: Theory, Experimentation, and Application to the Development of Graphical Methods (Cleveland and McGill 1984)
Graphic Display of Data (Wilkinson 2012)
Visualizing Data in Political Science (Traunmüller 2020)
Better Data Visualizations: A Guide for Scholars, Researchers, and Wonks (Schwabish 2021)


Historical Development of the Graphical Representation of Statistical Data (Funkhouser 1937)
Quantitative Graphics in Statistics: A Brief History (Beniger and Robyn 1978)

Tips and recommendations

Ten Simple Rules for Better Figures (Rougier et al. 2014)
Designing Graphs for Decision-Makers (Zacks and Franconeri 2020)
Designing Effective Graphs (Frees and Miller 1998)
Fundamental Statistical Concepts in Presenting Data: Principles for Constructing Better Graphics (Donahue 2011)
Designing Better Graphs by Including Distributional Information and Integrating Words, Numbers, and Images (Lane and Sándor 2009)

Analysis and decision making

Statistical inference for exploratory data analysis and model diagnostics (Buja et al. 2009)
Statistics and Decisions: The Importance of Communication and the Power of Graphical Presentation (Mahon 1977)
The Eight Steps of Data Analysis: A Graphical Framework to Promote Sound Statistical Analysis (Fife 2020)


Researchers Misunderstand Confidence Intervals and Standard Error Bars (Belia et al. 2005)
Error bars in experimental biology (Cumming et al. 2007)
Confidence Intervals and the Within-the-Bar Bias (Pentoney and Berger 2016)
Depicting Error (Wainer 1996)
When (ish) is My Bus?: User-centered Visualizations of Uncertainty in Everyday, Mobile Predictive Systems (Kay et al. 2016)
Decisions With Uncertainty: The Glass Half Full (Joslyn and LeClerc 2013)
Uncertainty Visualization (Padilla et al. 2020)
A Probabilistic Grammar of Graphics (Pu and Kay 2020)


Let’s Practice What We Preach: Turning Tables into Graphs (Gelman et al. 2002)
Why Tables Are Really Much Better Than Graphs (Gelman 2011)
Graphs or Tables (Ehrenberg 1978)
Using Graphs Instead of Tables in Political Science (Kastellec and Leoni 2007)
Ten Guidelines for Better Tables (Schwabish 2020)

Deciding on a chart

Graph and chart aesthetics for experts and laymen in design: The role of familiarity and perceived ease of use (Quispel et al. 2016)

Chart types


40 years of boxplots (Wickham and Stryjewski 2011)

Pie charts

No Humble Pie: The Origins and Usage of a Statistical Chart (Spence 2005)


Infovis and Statistical Graphics: Different Goals, Different Looks (Gelman and Unwin 2013)
InfoVis Is So Much More: A Comment on Gelman and Unwin and an Invitation to Consider the Opportunities (Kosara 2013)
InfoVis and Statistical Graphics: Comment (Murrell 2013)
Graphical Criticism: Some Historical Notes (Wickham 2013)
Tradeoffs in Information Graphics (Gelman and Unwin 2013)


Visualizing uncertainty in areal data with bivariate choropleth maps, map pixelation and glyph rotation (Lucchesi and Wikle 2017)


The Many Faces of a Scatterplot (Cleveland and McGill 1984)
The early origins and development of the scatterplot (Friendly and Denis 2005)

Dot plots

Dot Plots: A Useful Alternative to Bar Charts (Robbins 2006)

3D charts

The Pseudo Third Dimension (Haemer 1951)

Teaching pedagogy

Correlational Analysis and Interpretation: Graphs Prevent Gaffes (Peden 2001)
Numbers, Pictures, and Politics: Teaching Research Methods Through Data Visualizations (Rom 2015)
Data Analysis and Data Visualization as Active Learning in Political Science (Henshaw and Meinke 2018)



Effective Data Visualization: The Right Chart for the Right Data (Evergreen 2016)


Data Visualization (Healy 2018)
Data Visualization with R (Kabacoff 2018)
ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis (Wickham 2009)
Fundamentals of Data Visualization (Wilke 2019)
R Graphics Cookbook (Chang 2020)


A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics (Mitchell 2012)

– 2021-03-01: Add ‘Better Data Visualizations’
– 2020-08-03: Add ‘Ten Guidelines for Better Tables’
– 2020-07-14: Add ‘Designing Graphs for Decision-Makers’ and ‘A Probabilistic Grammar of Graphics’ (ht: Simon Straubinger)