232. A FiveThirtyEight-inspired theme for ggplot2
233. Comparing ggplot2 and R Base Graphics
234. List of useful RStudio addins made by useRs
235. Creating a LOESS animation with gganimate
236. interplot: Plot the Effects of Variables in Interaction Terms
237. How Much Should We Trust Estimates from Multiplicative Interaction Models? Simple Tools to Improve Empirical Practice
238. Stata Figure Schemes (+ update)
239. An unhealthy obsession with p-values is ruining science
240. Statistikere udsender sjælden form for advarsel
241. A reading list for the Replicability Crisis
242. Rock ‘n Poll
243. Jagten på den perfekte stikprøve
244. Demystifying Box-and-whisker plots: Part 1, Part 2
245. Polipredict.dk: markedets forventninger til politiske begivenheder
246. Rbitrary Standards